
When I grow up I want to be a..

Until I was fifteen I always wanted to be a midwife. I loved babies , still do, and I couldn’t think of a more rewarding job than to guide them safely into the world. Luckily fate had other plans for me because I am not a medical person at all. When people start to talk about blood I become a bit unsteady. I can still remember the day that all changed.



In my third year of secondary school we had to prepare the warming-up for PE class. You had to do this in couples and because we had an uneven number I got to do it twice. The second time around me and a friend looked up some games in a book we got from the library, I have to google when google originated. I can still remember us sitting on the floor of my room thinking of the best way to get our classmates sweating.



We prepared some tag game and a game where I was telling a story and each time I said rat or raven the pupils had to tag each other. One group were the rats, the others the ravens. Keep in mind that I was a fifteen your old girl in a class full of popular girls and assertive boys, I used to be a little shy.



But for some reason I was very confident while doing the warming-up. Maybe because I was helping out my friend, maybe because seeing my classmates running around on my game gave me energy, I don’t really know. I do know that I liked it a lot.


At the end my teacher asked me what I wanted to do when I got older. Naturally I answered that I wanted to be a midwife. ‘’I think you should consider becoming a teacher’’, is what she replied. It definitely got me thinking. When I talked to others about it they agreed with the PE teacher.



I asked my old primary school if I could walk along with a teacher, after that day I knew that being a teacher was what I wanted. Two years later I started studying.